Fundamental Skills

1. Ushiro-goshi - Rear hip

2. Sumi-gaeshi - Corner throw

3. Ryo-hiza-seoi-otoshi - Two knee shoulder drop

4. Yoko-gake - Side hook

5. Hadaka-jime - Naked strangle


Performance Skills

1. Free practice – Randori (attack & defend) with a co-operative partner

2. Knowledge of performance versions of selected techniques (examples)

3. Hadaka-jime against Uke in prone position (on their front)


Player’s Choice: demonstrate three of their favourite combinations or counters *see also note below



To know common English translation and meaning of Japanese terminology used in this section

 *Note: It is expected that the player will select appropriate techniques. (Demonstrations must include two

combinations, two counters and two transitions into ne-waza. Combinations and counters can be either tachi-waza

or ne-waza or a combination of both. Techniques must be demonstrated in an appropriate practical situation that

includes attacking opportunity, best grip and appropriate movement).

NB. Candidates must also know the terminology from all previous gradings


Mon Grading Techniques

16th Mon to 17th Mon

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