
1. Sode-tsurikomi-goshi - Sleeve lift pull hip

2. Kata-guruma - Shoulder wheel

3. Ryo-hiza-seoi-otoshi - Two knee shoulder drop

4. Sumi-gaeshi - Corner throw

5. Yoko-gake - Side hook

6. Ko-uchi-gake-maki-komi - Minor inner hook thigh winding

7. Ushiro-goshi - Rear hip

8. Ura-nage - Rear throw

9. Uki-otoshi - Floating drop

10. Koshi-guruma - Hip wheel



Shime-waza (strangles) – basic forms

1. Hadaka-jime - Naked strangle

2. Kata-ha-jime - Single collar strangle

3. San-gaku-jime - Triangle strangle

4. Kata-te-ashi-koshi-jime - Single hand leg hip strangle


Performance Skills

1. Hadaka-jime (Uke is prone)

2. Kata-ha-jime (Uke is on all fours)

3. Complex entry into San-gaku-gatame (Triangle hold), San-gaku-jime and

San-gaku-osae-gatame (Triangular strangle and hold down)

4. Demonstrate a selection of performance forms of throws including two performance variations of Sumi-gaeshi (for example, Hikikomi-gaeshi)

 Randori – Demonstration of attacking defence, avoidance, continuous attacking performance skills in Tachi-waza and

Ne-waza in Randori with a co-operative partner. Duration 4 minutes


Personal choice 1

Demonstrate four techniques from BJA Technical Grading Syllabus individually and then as series of combinations and counters;


Personal choice 2

Demonstrate any set of the Nage-No-Kata, or any set of Katame-No-Kata


Contest Rules

Give three examples of any of the penalties in Article 27



Hikikomi-gaeshi - Pulling in reversal

To know the common English translations and meaning of all Japanese terminology used in this section.


NB. Candidates must also know the terminology from the previous grading

Kyu Grading Techniques

2nd Kyu to 1st Kyu

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